SEO, discover how to use it to attract more customers!

SEO, discover how to use it to attract more customers!

SEO, discover how to use it to attract more customers!

In 2015, the then senior vice president of Google Inc., Amit Singhal, stated at the Code/Mobile Conference that, for the first time, Google searches on mobile devices surpassed desktop searches, which represented a significant change in the way people relate to technology – and, above all, the Internet. In the same interview, Singhal brought measurable data on the number of these searches: per month, more than 100 billion searches are made on Google.

Amid this exorbitant number, there is an infinity of research carried out by people worldwide. Focusing on the Brazilian public to expand only a little, these searches range from the BBB vote, the latest season of Game of Thrones or the launch of the iPhone 11, as shown in Brazilian Google Trends 2019. To “separate the wheat from the chaff”, as we know it in popular expression, Google defines a series of mechanisms based on studies, algorithms and metrics, assigning relevance to the results and ranking them, and that is where SEO comes into action.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is, in literal translation, search engine optimization and, in practice, consists of a set of techniques applied in the construction and development of websites that make it organically relevant in this race for recognition. And visibility within digital marketing. As the leading search engine used worldwide is Google, these techniques are applied according to the parameters established so that your website has good positioning in front of many potential consumers.

SEO techniques include the textual content of your website (created from a list of keywords read as relevant to your segment) and the website’s development (using resources that make the user experience more fluid, safe and efficient on desktops and mobiles). Therefore, there must be coherence on both sides.

SEO website


Considering this scenario, we have put together some tips on how to use SEO in your business and boost your company’s results when defining keywords and improving your website’s interface:

  1. Define your target audience: Most mistakes in digital marketing strategies come from a need for more knowledge of the companies’ target audience. To illustrate, let’s assume that you have a company that maintains elevators. Therefore, your target audience is not people who want to buy elevators but those who already have elevators and are suffering from operating problems or want to carry out maintenance. Periodic to identify possible failures, right?
  2. The definition of the target audience will comprise a group that supposedly has common interests as consumers and relates to the products and services offered by your company; therefore, factors such as age, gender, location and consumption habits must be considered. Considered. This further helps with the SEO-oriented sales funnel because if your company only serves the state of São Paulo and does not intend to expand its work, it is not advantageous for the pages to be well positioned in Belo Horizonte.
  3. Know your target audience for keyword definition: Still talking about the elevator maintenance company, you could imagine that the most important keyword in this business would be “elevators”, right? Well, not exactly.
  4. In addition to these searches with generic terms (called short-tail keywords) being difficult to position organically due to the high competition, they are not effective, as someone who searches for “elevators” is not necessarily looking for elevator maintenance: This person may be interested in knowing who invented elevators, where to buy elevators, or how the elevator system works.
  5. Note that even if your website was well positioned with this word, it could receive several hits that would not generate practical conversions (people who do not need elevator maintenance and, consequently, would not hire your service).
  6. Pay attention to your website’s speed, fluidity and responsiveness: Do you remember that, at the beginning of the text, we obtained the information that, in 2015, access to Google via mobile devices surpassed searches made on desktops? Therefore, your business website must perform well, regardless of whether it is being viewed on laptops or smartphones.
  7. The concern with the website’s performance on desktops or mobiles is known in digital marketing as responsiveness. It translates into the perfect adaptation of resolutions in different interfaces, adapting the size of fonts, images and resources to facilitate reading. Sites like PageRank or PageSpeed from Google Developers allow you to evaluate the relevance and speed of your website, respectively, being good references to know if you are going in the right direction.
  8. Keep in mind that SEO work is gradual: Unlike Google Ads (pay-per-click campaigns), in which there is a direct investment in keywords with established deadlines for them to remain on the first page of Google as ads, SEO texts gain relevance progressively, considering all the factors described above and also the length of time your website has been domain.
  9. However, when thinking about the medium or long term, SEO techniques offer the best cost-benefit since the pages on your website will be well positioned for an unlimited period, and regardless of the number of hits obtained, you will not have to pay a proportional value.
  10. If your business does not have a digital marketing department, hire a specialized agency. Outsourcing involves transferring some departments’ management and activities to specialized companies. Generally, the outsourced sectors have no direct relationship with the company’s core business. In the banking sector, for example, activities related to cleaning and security can be outsourced, facilitating the management and control of expenses.
  11. Following the outsourcing trend, there are digital marketing agencies dedicated to providing solutions and innovations, developing the entire strategy for generating leads and increasing results, guaranteeing ROI (Return On Investment) and leveraging your sales through the use of techniques SEO, Google Ads, social media, inbound and email marketing.



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