Understand the importance of companies’ digital presence and increase your business results!

Understand the importance of companies’ digital presence and increase your business results!

With companies investing more and more in Content Marketing, it is essential not only to establish means of communication but to ensure that this relationship between consumer and company is good and lasting.

There is a lot of talk these days about the digital presence of companies. As the Internet and its features advance, consumer behaviour changes, and the market must adapt. According to data from the Center for Studies on Information and Communication Technologies (Celtic), Brazilians connected to the Internet grew by more than 30% in less than ten years, going from 39% in 2009 to 70% in 2018.

The publication further shows that the number of users who buy products or hire services over the Internet has been growing since 2012. In 2018, the estimate was already 44 million people who purchased products or services. All data obtained by Cetic’s research can be checked through the online publication on its website.

This data shows us what is already easily detectable: the Internet, its applications, programs and functionalities have increasingly captivated the Brazilian public and, as a result, have been exerting significant influence at the time of purchase. In this sense, we can already note the importance of companies’ digital presence and how their business is invisible to all these potential customers.

digital presence

How can I gain visibility on the Internet? Find out the first steps towards an efficient digital presence for your business:

  1. Have a website: To gain space in a particular place (virtual or physical), we must first be present there. Having a website marks the existence of companies of different segments or sizes active in the Internet market. Even if you have social networks, create pages or advertise your products on e-commerce platforms, your business website is essential. It presents a figure of authority and does not hold you hostage to other platforms.
  2. Social networks are not the enemy of your business, but work together with it, serving as a showcase for your services or products. The question you should keep in mind is: “Where will customers interested in the products on my virtual storefront be directed?” and then begin to understand the relevance of the existence of your business website.
  3. Having your website makes it even easier for customers to find your brand and products, and it is possible to measure the data and results obtained with advertising campaigns, investments in SEO, Inbound Marketing and all other strategies that favour your business results. Business.
  4. Consider the User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI) and responsiveness of your website: After starting to exist in the virtual environment through the creation of the website, it is essential to strengthen your company’s digital presence, taking into account the parameters of Google, the leading search engine worldwide. Through robots that scan your website, Google will rank your pages based on the relevance of the content produced and the user’s browsing experience.
  5. As a result, two areas gained the attention of Digital Marketing and Design and, therefore, should be given due importance: UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface).
  6. UX is in charge of all issues related to the user experience, focusing on an intuitive layout that facilitates and directs the individual towards conversion. The entire information architecture involving your website’s functionalities and tools must organically prepare the user to become a customer, with prior studies on the target audience and persona.
  7. In turn, UI is responsible for factors related to graphic design, relating to the appearance and usability of your website. The UI considers menu, submenu, colours, fonts and all other visual aspects that directly and indirectly influence user decisions and also contribute to the quality of your business’s digital presence.
  8. There are still responsiveness standards established by the W3C that make pages load faster and adapt to different formats (desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones), playing a decisive role in the user experience and at the time of purchase. The W3C is an association that creates, regulates and interprets web content standards, so following its parameters is essential for a successful website.
  9. Produce quality content, considering Google and W3C parameters: It is essential to have a good definition of the work carried out by the company, what its products and services are and how customers can purchase them (phones, chats, WhatsApp, email for quote quotes, among other means of contact).
  10. To do this, texts must be prepared with a focus on SEO about the products and services offered by your business, aiming to attract customers. Readers focused on SEO follow parameters established by Google, considering word density and keyword repetition standards.
  11. By developing textual content considering SEO standards and combining this with responsiveness, UX and UI, you will not only guarantee your company’s digital presence. Still, you will also bring significant visibility to your business on Google, a search engine that receives around 100 billion monthly searches.
  12. Research more and more about Digital Marketing to strengthen your business’s digital presence. Like any area directly related to technology, Digital Marketing goes through constant adaptations and innovations, aiming to provide the best user experience and allowing them to find the desired products and services quickly, intuitively and qualifiedly.
  13. To offer this on your website, it is essential to adapt to Google’s parameters, which are revisited with a specific frequency, depending on the user’s behaviour and needs. Knowing and investing in Inbound Marketing, Google Ads campaigns, and social media management are also decisive factors for your company’s efficient digital presence. As you can see, there is a lot of work to be done, so it is ideal to have a digital marketing department in your business or hire an agency specialized in this same segment.


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