Step-by-step digital marketing plan: learn how to create your content strategy!
Companies have increasingly paid attention to the importance of a digital marketing plan, but it is necessary to know how to put it into practice. Keep reading and learn the step by step!
Regardless of which segment you operate in or the size of your company, some actions are essential for all contexts. Just like with culinary recipes, we should make some adjustments here and there, but, in general, there is a pattern when thinking about the digital marketing plan and a step-by-step guide, so that we will help you briefly through this article.
Before “getting down to business” and producing content, posting on social media or defining the objectives of the digital marketing plan, you need to do research and scenario analysis!
1 – Research and scenario analysis
What is your competition doing? It is essential to know how companies in the same segment are working on their respective digital marketing plans and what they are effectively doing on the Internet. In which media are they most present? How frequently do you post content? These are some of the questions that must be answered.
Another critical factor in the research and scenario analysis stage for creating step-by-step digital marketing planning is paying attention to trends and movements on the network. What is my audience consuming? What social networks is she present on?
Last, focus entirely on your target audience: find out their online and offline consumption habits, social indicators, and everything to design an assertive pattern and define your persona.
Starting your digital marketing plan with good research simplifies the rest of the way and prevents problems from arising later.
It is essential to know that research and scenario analysis work has increasingly gained the attention of companies, whether they are in the digital marketing field or not. For example, AlmapBBDO developed Novas Conversas, a platform used to map trends and discussions in the virtual world.
Of course, not all companies have the resources to create platforms like this, but several tools have been available for a long time, are free and can be used in your digital marketing plan.
After completing the research and scenario analysis stage, you are ready for phase 2, which consists of identifying your business’ communication problem!
2 – Identification of the communication problem
Just needing a digital marketing plan already presupposes a communication problem or an opportunity to boost sales that has yet to be 100% taken advantage of. Having the communication problem evident in your planning is essential, as it provides guidelines for defining objectives.
In other words, the issue needs to be described clearly, as it will be fundamental in determining the goals, which are an essential part of the digital marketing plan, making up the third stage:
3 – Defining the objectives of the digital marketing plan
Defined as one of the main bases of your digital marketing plan, defining objectives starts from identifying the communication problem, as we saw previously. Therefore, all established directions must aim to meet what was stated at this stage.
Speaking more practically, we can translate the delimitation of objectives into questions such as: who is the audience I want to reach? What do I want to communicate to my audience? What is the expected result of the digital marketing plan?
Having previously defined objectives based on identifying the problem and given the research and scenario analysis, you are prepared for the fourth stage.
4 – Definition of communication language, formats and platforms
When we talk about defining language and content formats, we are in a more solid phase of the digital marketing plan, in which it is possible to develop content planning, determine what language will be adopted by the company, what formats and social networks used in strategy, among other aspects.
If, with audience research, we can understand where our audience is, it is by defining language and formats that we know how we will communicate with the target audience and what language will be adopted. Given that, we are ready for step 5: deliveries!
5 – Deliveries
Without much ado, the delivery phase is when the execution period of the digital marketing plan will be defined, as well as the frequency of posts, publications, articles and other resources. With deliveries, we can verify the volume of content production and quantify and measure this work.
Above all, the delivery stage is essential to provide a basis for the time invested and the budget directed to the digital marketing plan. (Ex.: In 3 months, 60 pieces of content will be produced in formats x, y and z).
6 – Calendar
Of course, deliveries must be distributed within the execution period of the digital marketing plan. At this stage, the frequency and periodicity of publishing the content will be defined.
Using the calendar, it is possible to determine days and times that each content will air, and there must also be a timing study for this. (What day and time does my audience most frequently access the social network?)
7 – Value invested in content and media production
Having completed all the previous steps, we reached a crucial phase for the execution of the digital marketing plan, which concerns the project’s viability and investment (production + team + possible content boosts).
Following these steps makes it possible to take the strategy off paper and execute it, always considering your business’s reality, size and segment.
There are digital marketing agencies specialized in the development and execution of digital marketing plans, such as Quality SMI, which has been operating in the market for over ten years and has served more than 500 clients ranging from industries, companies and stores, both in the B2B segment. as B2C.
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