E-commerce find out what it is, its importance and advantages for your business!

E-commerce: find out what it is, its importance and advantages for your business!

E-commerce: find out what it is, its importance and advantages for your business!

E-commerce, which was already undergoing progressive expansion over time, has recently been leveraged by factors such as the global pandemic and social isolation, which require adopting strategies to reinvent itself in the market so your business survives. Therefore, if you want to know more about e-commerce, let’s try to explain.

What is e-commerce?

In summary, e-commerce (in free translation) consists of sales made through electronic devices, such as notebooks, smartphones, tablets and others.

The consumer can access products and services through your company’s website or application, including their information, values ​​and technical characteristics. They can make payments with credit cards, bank slips or other online payment methods, such as PicPay and Mercado Pago.

Why has the use of e-commerce grown so much?

Only a few years ago, having access to this type of trading was very expensive, bureaucratic and inaccessible. Still, over time, the Internet has led to the emergence of platforms and tools that facilitate negotiations via electronic commerce.

We can credit the growth of e-commerce to the increase in Internet access and the consequent popularization of smartphones, especially in our country. Companies and developers, year after year, improve their existing e-commerce systems, reformulating them or creating new ones, always working on updates that provide the security and privacy of customer’s data with fraud prevention.

Nowadays, older people no longer have the same fear of making purchases over the Internet as they did before, as applications such as Uber, iFood and others have become popular, becoming efficient, fast and safe alternatives when considering mobility services—urban and food delivery, respectively.

According to an article by UOL, the global pandemic and social isolation boosted online shopping in Latin America compared to countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States of America and China, where this method was already prevalent.

The quarantine, which initially catalyzed electronic commerce, could represent a definitive change in how people consume, considering this system’s safety, ease, convenience and efficiency.

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What are the advantages of e-commerce for my business?

Now that we know what e-commerce is and what accounts for the growth in using this platform let’s explain the advantages of e-commerce for your business.

  1. Full-time operation: Have you ever thought about having your physical stores closed and continuing to sell at any time or day of the week? With e-commerce, it is possible to trade inside and outside what we know as business hours, and sales will depend much more on your strategies and the visibility of your website than on anything else.
  2. When you have a well-structured e-commerce and a dynamic and intuitive virtual store, customers can place their products in the cart and complete the purchase without any significant problems, and, often, they will not even need virtual assistance from a professional. However, it is essential to have chat support for any queries or to assist older customers who are not used to e-commerce.
  3. Ease of monitoring and assisting customers: Behind efficient e-commerce, there is undoubtedly a platform that has tools and mechanisms to measure your website’s traffic (how many people access the website daily, weekly, monthly and annually); the lead conversion rate (of the total number of visits, how many people complete the purchase), referrers (how the user arrived at your website – organic search, social networks, Google Ads campaigns, among others ).
  4. Great value for money: In the same way that e-commerce has facilitating mechanisms for quick, safe and efficient purchases, the initial investment in this strategy is relatively low compared to physical stores. This is one of the main reasons why people need to get their businesses off the ground or remain informal.
  5. With e-commerce, you start your business by making low investments. Over time, and with the adoption of new customers, you will be able to adapt your strategy and expand e-commerce, always based on traffic metrics and data and conversion rates. Leads.
  6. Safety in the storage and delivery of products: Because you are not working directly with the public, it is possible to avoid some of the main recurring problems in physical stores that generate significant losses for their owners: theft and theft.
  7. By investing in e-commerce, you can store your products in safe locations with restricted access, only available to authorized professionals for orders. The delivery of these products is also usually very safe, carried out by third-party companies that include insurance for their transported loads, avoiding losses to customers and businesses.
  8. Just-in-time production: Widely used for on-demand and specific presentations, just-in-time makes e-commerce possible, even without stock. You can allow customers to place orders for a product available in your online store with customizable dimensions and features, and upon purchase and demand, the product will be developed.

Investing in e-commerce is preparing yourself for the future in sales!

In addition to the advantages highlighted previously, we can also highlight the possibility of integration with other channels and social networks, a variety of payment options and the chance of extinguishing geographic borders: your company may be located in São Paulo (SP), for example, and a customer makes a purchase in Salvador (BA).

Therefore, if you want to gain customers and expand your market presence, e-commerce plays a fundamental role in your business. To start selling, you can invest in easy-to-use platforms that will be updated and configured by yourself or hire companies or agencies specialized in e-commerce, which provide consultancy and develop e-commerce according to your needs.


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