Discover seven advantages of content marketing for your company!
Understand how content marketing on their websites and digital social media has positively impacted thousands of companies.
If you want your company to stand out in its segment, having a consolidated digital presence is no longer a differentiator but an obligation. In a study released by the Institute of Applied Research (Ipea) in 2019, it was found that more than 120 million Brazilians over the age of 10 had access to the Internet, representing around 67% of the country’s entire population.
Bringing it to the reality of digital marketing, this data means that more than half of Brazilians are users on the network and can become leads for your company. Leads are potential customers who come into contact with the contents of your marketing strategy and decide to take a step forward, providing email, telephone or some other type of contact and thus establish more direct and private communication with the customer. Your business.
To achieve this goal, it is essential to adopt content marketing in your digital strategy, which is the primary source of Inbound Marketing.
But what is Inbound Marketing?
In literal translation, Inbound Marketing means Inbound Marketing, and, in short, it consists of attracting potential customers to your business instead of you going to them. The main strategies adopted in Inbound Marketing to make this happen effectively are:
- Content marketing;
- Social media marketing (Social media marketing);
- Search engine optimization (SEO);
- Brand management (Branding).
Although there is a distinction in defining the strategies that must be adopted, they all complement each other and work harmoniously in practice. Therefore, in social media marketing, for example, SEO and content marketing techniques are adopted, and brand management must also be considered.
Speaking specifically about content marketing involves producing rich and valuable content for Internet users, who can become qualified leads for your business. At this point, it is essential to leave the company’s position and think like an ordinary person: where do you turn when faced with a simple everyday question? Indeed, most people’s answer will be “to Google”, of course.
Understand how “using Google” is essential to content marketing and how this strategy differs from traditional advertising.
Nothing is more uncomfortable – and inefficient than offering your product or service to someone uninterested. This situation worsens when you operate in a more specific segment, such as an industry that manufactures material x or distributes product y. But how could sales be made without active and intrusive communication in people’s lives?
It is a fact that, before the popularization of the Internet, the consumer profile was much more passive in advertising. Commercials bombarded people on TV and radio between programs, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, and advertising on billboards and flyers, and the advertisements could have been more efficient in reaching precisely the interested people.
Nowadays, customers have become “empowered” over the Internet and digital social media in general, in the sense of having a more active voice – both to praise and to complain. Target audience segmentation has also been made easier with metrics, data and tools that allow a filter for your company to be found by people genuinely interested in your product or service.
Considering the information described above, we have separated seven advantages of content marketing in your company’s digital strategy:
- Attracting your potential customers: With the advent and popularization of the Internet, the way of acquiring products and services has changed a lot. Search with the desired term, and Google will provide millions of results in milliseconds, and that’s where content marketing comes in.
- Through a study of your target audience and competing companies, essential keywords for your business are defined, and from there, work is carried out to position your website, using SEO techniques in the production of articles and texts so that your company appears on the first page of Google.
- Consolidation of the relationship with consumers: It is not enough for people to find your service or product; it is necessary to develop a work known in Inbound Marketing as lead nurturing, which consists of relating to your buyer (or potential client) so that he purchases (or continues to purchase) products or services from your company.
- This consolidation of the relationship can – and should – happen at all stages of the sales funnel, identifying the pain points (problems) of these people and providing practical and necessary solutions for them. Furthermore, producing rich and valuable content contributes to our third advantage: brand authority!
- Creating an image of reference for your company: By offering practical and necessary solutions to people’s pain points, they will begin to see your company or brand as an authority figure in that segment since you have invested in producing prosperous content marketing with the creation of texts, blog posts, videos, infographics, landing pages, podcasts and other content that generates value for your brand.
- This way, they can resort more often to their website texts, blog posts, social networks, videos and other resources used in their content marketing strategy.
- Consolidating the relationship with the consumer beyond “buying and selling”: In the current context, with interaction that is only growing on social media, people no longer want a brand based only on buying and selling relationships and have nothing else to offer. They look for companies that provide experiences, interactions and sensations with their services and products and also with the creation of a close and humanized relationship.
- Some startups, for example, invest not only in their products and services but also in direct efforts to ensure that any customer problems are resolved quickly so that the entire experience with the brand is positive.
- Possibility of the emergence of “brand defenders”: Who has never liked a service or product so much that they left talking about their positive experience and doing word-of-mouth marketing?
- According to Sprout Social, an American social media marketing software company, these people are brand advocates. These customers defend and promote your brand spontaneously because of their great experience. This experience can occur through offering valuable content on your website, a helpful product or service or good service when faced with a customer difficulty.
- Still, according to the article, brand advocates provide a series of benefits, helping, for example, in the organic growth of the brand and demonstrating the (non-financial) value of its products and services.
- It is a way of educating your customer when making a purchase decision. By paying attention to all factors related to the sales funnel and the buyer’s journey, it is possible to guide, educate, entertain and influence your customer in decision-making, indicating which product – and the right time – for purchasing it.
- Therefore, content marketing must have well-defined parameters to monitor the sales funnel. A top-of-the-funnel text, for example, should have a much more educational character since the person still needs to prepare to learn about your product or service, just as bottom-of-the-funnel content should show that your company is the best alternative for the customer.
- Creating a traffic network on your website and blog: Finally, the more content produced for your business, the more keywords will be indexed by Google and the greater the chances of people finding your company.
- Creating a good network of links in the texts is essential, directing the user to other articles on your website or to reliable external websites, which can increase your relevance. The more questions your potential customer has answered through your content marketing, the less likely they are to have to look for answers on another blog or website.
- We hope we have shown some of the many advantages of content marketing for companies. We have also prepared another series of articles about the importance of digital presence and teaching how to use SEO to attract more customers!
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